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- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- From: an623250@anon.penet.fi
- X-Anonymously-To: alt.ufo.reports
- Organization: Anonymous forwarding service
- Reply-To: an623250@anon.penet.fi
- Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 22:43:33 UTC
- Subject: Fwd: Fwd: UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 1, Number 18
- Lines: 193
- Volume 1, Number 18 June 16,
- 1996
- Editor: Masinaigan FREE
- This week we have some saucer news from the USA and the UK,
- plus a few surprising UFO anniversaries.
- Sometime last week (no exact date given), a security guard and
- a handful of customers at a bank in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada
- looked out the large tinted windows and saw "a craft of saucer shape
- hovering above the (Sheep Range) mountains north of Las Vegas."
- According to our informant, his friend, the security guard "said
- it was
- about a half-mile wide and just hovering over the mountains." The
- guard
- said the UFO's position was about a mile northwest of Nellis Air Force
- Base. More details are needed to estimate its proper size. For
- instance, if the UFO was close to the horizon, heat haze from this
- daytime desert sighting might make it appear to be much larger than
- it actually was.
- The group in the bank watched as the UFO suddenly retreated to
- the north and flashed "out of sight in the blink of an eye."
- (Note: Nellis Air Force Base is six miles northeast of Las Vegas
- and should NOT be confused with the Nellis Test Range, home of
- Groom Lake/Area 51.)
- Early Sunday morning, June 9, 1996, Mr. A.M. and his girlfriend
- went out onto their balcony near the Nat West Tower. As they looked
- toward Old Street, they saw that "the sky was 90 percent cloudless"
- and the city very quiet at this time--3:30 a.m.
- Just then, the woman spotted a yellowish-white light shooting
- towards them from London's northern horizon. She pointed it out to
- A.M., who described it as "an unusually bright light, larger and
- brighter than Venus." The UFO changed course over the city, heading
- in a south-southeasterly direction. The couple kept it in sight for
- over
- ten minutes and went back inside at 3:50 a.m.
- According to the June 1996 issue of FORTEAN TIMES, a UFO "fell
- vertically from nowhere" and startled passengers aboard the Sealink
- ferry as it made its Channel crossing.
- Eyewitness Simon Williams-Burns reported, "On 16 February (1996)
- at about 1:45 p.m. I was traveling with a group of friends on a Sealink
- ferry from Calais (France) to Dover (England) when a metallic
- disc-shaped
- object fell vertically from nowhere, stopped at what was still a great
- height
- and then moved off (east) towards France. Unfortunately, my camera was
- on the coach and I was unable to get it; but five other people on deck
- with
- me were able to back up what I had seen."
- (FORTEAN TIMES #87, see page 51)
- This sighting also took place last winter. If anyone has the
- exact
- date,
- this newsletter would greatly appreciate it.
- Paul Shiaro, 22, and Craig Pulloch, 22, of Selkirk, Manitoba were
- driving home late one Tuesday night from a Jets game in Winnipeg.
- As they were northbound on Winnipeg's Perimeter Highway, Shiaro's
- 1987 Ford Mustang suddenly went dead.
- "The motor died, the lights died," Shiaro said. "One minute the
- car
- was running as sweet as you please, and the next minute it was stopped
- dead on the highway. I tried over and over to start the engine, but it
- was
- no use."
- Shiaro managed to coast into the breakdown lane. "Craig just sat
- there swearing about being stranded on a lonely, ice-covered road in
- the dead of night. He wasn't too happy about that. All of a sudden,
- there was the UFO. It just hovered in the sky, not making a sound.
- It was big. About as big as a house."
- "Before we knew it, this thing was hanging there in the sky in
- front
- of us," Pulloch said. "It was disc-shaped with a bump on the bottom.
- It didn't seem to have any lights, but it had an orange-colored glow.
- It was very eerie. I hadn't been a believer in UFOs or science fiction
- in
- the past. But when I saw that UFO, it was like...Holy Cow! It really
- made a believer out of me."
- The UFO hovered over the Mustang for 15 to 20 seconds and then
- departed.
- "It didn't just cruise off, it went like a shot," Shiaro said.
- "Zip!
- And
- it was gone. But it didn't make a sound."
- When Shiaro tried the ignition key this time, the Mustang's engine
- started right up. The car's horn, cigarette lighter and headlights
- were
- all working. The two men then continued on their way home.
- (Note: Selkirk is 36 miles south of Gimli, Manitoba, where the Royal
- Canadian Mounted Police investigated a saucer sighting in 1995.
- In UFO ROUNDUP #16, we told the story of a reported landing of
- a triangular-shaped UFO at the airport in Huntsville, Alabama on May
- 25,
- 1996. Several investigators from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
- claim the story was a cyber-hoax.
- According to Jeff Ballard, a check with Delta Airlines revealed
- that
- there was no Flight #1436 from Dallas/Fort Worth. Also, there was no
- patrolman or officer named "Ted Williams" on the Huntsville Police
- Department.
- Another researcher, who asked to remain anonymous, criticized
- many items in the original Internet report. He said it made no mention
- of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center on Rideout Road in Huntsville.
- Since NASA was equally close to the airport, he added, why weren't
- NASA vans responding to the UFO call? Also, why did it take the
- Army over an hour to reach the airport when the Redstone Arsenal is
- only three miles away?
- So it looks like we can file Huntsville under "H for Hoax." Too
- bad!
- It was one of the funniest UFO occupant stories in years.
- June is traditionally a big month for UFO sightings. The famous
- Kenneth Arnold case took place on June 24, 1947. But there have
- been other, equally interesting UFO events that took place in June.
- Here's a rundown...
- June 16, 1909 - Dong Hoi, Vietnam - Van Thi Binh, 7, and her
- sisters were awakened by a whooshing sound at around 3 a.m. As
- they looked out the window, they saw a glowing "bolide" flying slowly
- in an eastward direction over the city. The bright white glow lit up
- the
- rooftops, and the "bolide" was seen by Vietnamese fishermen offshore.
- They watched it for 8 to 10 minutes before it abruptly dropped into
- the South China Sea. Although it couldn't possibly have been a bolide
- or detonating meteor (Not at that slow speed!), it was written up as
- such
- in the French magazine L'Astronomie. (See the book ANATOMY OF A
- PHENOMENON by Jacques Vallee, page 28)
- June 20, 1953 - Brush Creek, near Willow Creek, California, USA -
- Two prospectors saw a UFO land in the meadow. An occupant came
- out of the object. He was described as 3 feet tall and wearing silvery
- gray tight-fitting garments and a hood or helmet. Ignoring the two
- astounded miners, the occupant carried a small silver pail to the
- creek,
- filled it with water, and then walked back to the UFO. Two minutes
- later, the UFO "shot into the sky without a sound."
- June 30, 1954 - Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada - A British Overseas
- Airways Corporation (BOAC) Stratocruiser airliner, piloted by Capt.
- James Howard, approached Goose Bay at 9 p.m. local time, on its
- New York to London flight. Suddenly, Capt. Howard saw a large
- object "something like an inverted pear suspended in the sky." The
- UFO was accompanied by six saucers--three forward, three aft. The
- Goose Bay tower told Howard that there were no other aircraft in the
- area. Capt. Howard and his co-pilot, Lee Boyd, watched as the large
- UFO reshaped itself "into what looked like a flying arrow--an
- enormous delta-winged plane turning in to close with us." The
- large UFO paced the BOAC Stratocruiser for over 15 minutes before
- departing. Other witnesses included chief navigator George Allen,
- chief radio operator Douglas Cox, flight engineers Daniel Godfrey and
- William Stewart and stewardess Daphne Webster.
- June 23, 1966 - Coralles, New Mexico, USA - At 3:42 a.m., NASA
- employee Julian Sandoval saw a UFO near his home. Sandoval was
- working at the time for the Apollo moon project as an electrical power
- and environmental control engineer. Sandoval served in the U.S. Air
- Force as a pilot/navigator with over 7,000 hours of flight time.
- June 26, 1972 - Port Beaufort, South Africa - Farm worker Boer de
- Klerk was watering cattle in a krans (pasture) at Braeside, a large
- farm just outside Port Beaufort. Suddenly, he saw a plume of smoke
- in the sunny cloudless sky. The smoke drifted towards him and then
- exploded into a roaring fireball. Terrified, de Klerk drooped his
- bucket
- and ran to fetch the baas (owner), Bennie Smit. Rounding up a group
- of his workers, Smit returned to the spot and found the bright orange
- fireball flying aimlessly around the pasture. As the men climbed the
- fence, the fireball halted, then backed away from them, and then
- climbed up, up and away.
- More next week from "the paper that covers the saucers." See ya!
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